Friday, November 18, 2016

Interviewing for Understanding: LeaderShape

Interviewing for Understanding: LeaderShape

Brad Griffith
November 18, 2016

For this assignment, I met with my friend Jenny who works in the College of Business as a Career Consultant.  Instead of doing an environment in which Jenny participated as a learner, we chose another environment called LeaderShape in which she acts as facilitator.

As you'll see in the following model, this program begins with team branding, followed by individual assessments and group activities, culminating in the articulation of a vision of leadership. This was an interesting process because I initially started out writing on the Understand Guide itself before concluding that it would be easier just to directly transcribe the elements of our conversation onto the blocks themselves.

Jenny had not encountered LEML before I met with her to review LeaderShape.  I think she appreciated the visual element and having the sticky notes of the LEM blocks handy made it very easy to move things around to match what we were discussing. 

overall, I think the questions that we started with from the Understand Guide helped me to ask her deeper questions and elaborate upon what she was telling me.  The conversation felt remarkably fluid and I felt like we were on the same page for its duration.

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