Discover Datasheets Results Report
Brad GriffithHere are the final datasheets for my Program Certification project. I learned through this project that my client is open to multiple ideas of how to proceed, but needs to be informed of each option and how they may be currently employed elsewhere. It was very much a discovery process for the both of us, I felt.
I learned in this process that by conducting empathy research and having these discussions, it's much easier to advance in your project with a clear path that is not prone to changing course or getting bogged down.
I may return to these datasheets as I begin exploring each layer of this certification process not only to be sure that I'm adhering to the overall goals that were discussed with the client, but even using new datasheets if I feel that we may be getting off course or need to gain further clarity.
Here are a few of the more simplified datasheets from my research:
I can see where my project will likely go back to the discovery stage and create more datasheets too. I think it will be very helpful to have the sheets as reminders throughout the project.