Friday, December 2, 2016

Creating Diagnostic Models with the Understand Guide

Creating Diagnostic Models with the Understand Guide

Brad Griffith - December 2, 2016

I met with my client, Michael to review these diagnostic models I created for a Program Certification process that will be implemented by his organization.  This is a new learning environment, so I did some research and came across an existing program by Quality Matters.  After using the discover datasheets with Michael in our preliminary meeting, I used the Understand Guide to dissect QM's program certification process and came up with these two models.

This was a great experience because of the conversation that developed out of this model.  I thought that by coming to the table with a preexisting version of what Michael was looking for, we had a more productive conversation and used this model to talk about what we liked, didn't like, and wanted to keep from it as we move forward through the next phases of creating his learning environment.  I also gained some valuable insight about Michael's view of his organization and the type of service he wanted to be offered - specifically a consulting service that is highly customized and dialog-centric.  I plan to rework this model in the future and present it to him with these changes requested.  I should mention I kept a copy of the understand guide with me during our meeting and used it to take notes for when I go back to modify this model.

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