Wednesday, March 1, 2017

6.2 Applied: Moving Ideas to Action Using Build Boards

6.2 Applied:  Moving Ideas to Action Using Build Boards

I found these build boards to be useful in communicating ideas about this project and getting an update on its status.  A period of time has passed since I created the original build boards for this project and even though these were very simple and straightforward, they did need to be modified to meet the new scope of our project.  Instead of having a course-focused presentation, we are moving in a different direction that will allow us to more universally apply what we capture on this project to other projects in our department, including but not limited to courses.

I learned in this process that we will be less focused on developing opportunities for transformative learning developed by my department, and more focused on helping others use what we capture to enhance their own courses and projects.  

Since then, we have done further research on the equipment that will be used to capture some of this footage for the project.  I have made that modification as well on the build board.  We have also realized after addressing this component of the project that we needed to move forward more quickly on acquiring and experimenting with the technology to capture VR experiences. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

6.2 Practice - Applied Workplace Learning Environment

Build Boards:  Applied Workplace Learning Environment

My experience with using the build boards was not exactly how I expected.  I had a little trouble conceptualizing the example LEM for this assignment, so I think it made my effort to create prototypes more of a challenge.  In summary, I would say that the build boards helped me to bring about more questions about the learning environment that I did not see come up just from the model.  I'm looking forward to applying this to my own project because I think it will be more useful having created a model specifically for something I am working on.  

6.1 Practice - Online Orientation

Online Orientation Sketches

1. Sketch of intro portal

2. Sketch of online readiness survey

3. Sketch of technology/equipment test

4. Sketch of sample sandbox course

5. Completion/readiness certificate

Friday, December 9, 2016

Curated Design Patterns

Curated Design Patterns

Brad Griffith - December 9, 2016

There are many great design patterns that have been shared in this cohort so far.  I have selected a few here that I thought would be some of the most beneficial or relatable to me.

1. Kelly's Individual Facilitation Sessions

This model stood out to me due to the mixture of contexts and the learner-focused facilitation of a workshop or class session.  I have often done this, but not provided much guidance in advance of the person's experience about how to actually facilitate a session.  I appreciate the additional opportunity to provide feedback that she has placed in this environment.

2.  Rhonda's Learner Facilitation of Discussion

This model stood out to me due to its similarity in my eyes to that which Kelly made, but having a different way of accomplishing it.  Here, Rhonda has created a learning environment in which the learners are responsible for facilitating a post classroom session discussion.  This pattern does a good job of offering a continuance of the classroom learning environment to the asynchronous context.

 3.  Stacy's Mentoring Session

What an exciting pattern this was.  I appreciated the mixture of contexts here and I think Stacy has spoken to the intensive nature of the mentoring relationship in a learning environment through this variety.  I would feel very comfortable using this model to communicate expectations of a mentoring interaction when training someone to do that.

4.  Stacy's Short Paper

Stacy has captured the essence of a short paper very well in this pattern.  Simplicity is key here, specifically because I have noted that there is absence of a practice block and the synchronous-classroom setting is reserved only for questions about the assignment.  I can see the Paper Guidelines as being a very important part of this pattern that will affect the timing and transition between each step.

5.  Weekly Seminar Meetings

I liked this model because it allowed me to reflect upon a negative learning experience I had in graduate school.  I took an incredibly complicated philosophy seminar course that focused on the works of Giambattista Vico.  It was very old fashioned in that the professor provided us all of the readings for the course in paper and we had no interaction outside of class or opportunity to ask questions about the readings.  This pattern incorporates a digital scaffold that would permit there to be greater reflective questioning in advance of the classroom session, along with providing a way for learners to reflect after the classroom session using the new knowledge they gained from the peer discussion. 

Friday, December 2, 2016

Facilitating the Understand Step - Lessons Learned

Facilitating the Understand Step - Lessons Learned

Brad Griffith - December 2, 2016

I used the understand step in this process to really attempt to grasp what my client wanted out of his project, a program certification process.  I found it so useful to come to the table having already researched this learning environment somewhat and felt confident having had an example to share with him so that we could exchange ideas and not feel pressured to reinvent the wheel, just customize it.

I found it a bit challenging to try and maintain in the conversation at first that this model was not set in stone and that it was really the beginning of a conversation so that I could find out the true goals of the client. 

I learned during this step that it's of utmost importance to listen actively to the client in this process and to take note not only of the reactions they have to your ideas, but of the ideas they come up with during this process.  I brought two copies of each model with me to the meeting so that we could both take notes if needed.  Most importantly to share with you, I believe, is the copy I kept of that...

We came upon a few key questions about this process, such as wanting to know why a program would decide not to pursue a certification after seeking information about it and about how we could incorporate consulting into the forefront of this learning environment for the client.  This is specifically how Michael's program wants to differ from the existing example I provided through the diagnostic model I originally showed him during the meeting.

Creating Diagnostic Models with the Understand Guide

Creating Diagnostic Models with the Understand Guide

Brad Griffith - December 2, 2016

I met with my client, Michael to review these diagnostic models I created for a Program Certification process that will be implemented by his organization.  This is a new learning environment, so I did some research and came across an existing program by Quality Matters.  After using the discover datasheets with Michael in our preliminary meeting, I used the Understand Guide to dissect QM's program certification process and came up with these two models.

This was a great experience because of the conversation that developed out of this model.  I thought that by coming to the table with a preexisting version of what Michael was looking for, we had a more productive conversation and used this model to talk about what we liked, didn't like, and wanted to keep from it as we move forward through the next phases of creating his learning environment.  I also gained some valuable insight about Michael's view of his organization and the type of service he wanted to be offered - specifically a consulting service that is highly customized and dialog-centric.  I plan to rework this model in the future and present it to him with these changes requested.  I should mention I kept a copy of the understand guide with me during our meeting and used it to take notes for when I go back to modify this model.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Interviewing for Understanding: LeaderShape

Interviewing for Understanding: LeaderShape

Brad Griffith
November 18, 2016

For this assignment, I met with my friend Jenny who works in the College of Business as a Career Consultant.  Instead of doing an environment in which Jenny participated as a learner, we chose another environment called LeaderShape in which she acts as facilitator.

As you'll see in the following model, this program begins with team branding, followed by individual assessments and group activities, culminating in the articulation of a vision of leadership. This was an interesting process because I initially started out writing on the Understand Guide itself before concluding that it would be easier just to directly transcribe the elements of our conversation onto the blocks themselves.

Jenny had not encountered LEML before I met with her to review LeaderShape.  I think she appreciated the visual element and having the sticky notes of the LEM blocks handy made it very easy to move things around to match what we were discussing. 

overall, I think the questions that we started with from the Understand Guide helped me to ask her deeper questions and elaborate upon what she was telling me.  The conversation felt remarkably fluid and I felt like we were on the same page for its duration.