Thursday, October 13, 2016

Client Discovery Focus Board - Milissa's Major Hubs

Client Discovery Focus Board - Milissa's Major Hubs

Brad Griffith - October 13, 2016

My colleague, Milissa is working on a project right now called "Major Hubs."  These are online communities that are focused around students' field of study. I worked somewhat with her on the initial stages of this project, but am not present for the production phase, which is going to be key to getting this off the ground and universally used across campus.

First, I did an overall focus board for this online community:

I then went into a deeper level to determine how the information regarding the major would be presented:

Another focus of this hub I wanted to tackle was the learning tools that would be incorporated.  

One of the unique things about these focus boards is that I don't think they require much explanation to understand the information presented.  I handed these over to Milissa yesterday morning and asked her to look over them.  She quickly got back to me and indicated that they were clearly written and that one of them had an idea she had not considered until now.  I don't think these boards truly "enlightened" Milissa's work on this project, but I could tell by our conversation that we both felt that she was on the right track with this project concerning empathy of the client, in this case the students and faculty of the program that receives the hub.  I could have done many more of these focus boards to represent the various layers of the major hub learning environment.  I could see them as being a useful tool for a project like this to ensure that you are focused from the beginning and not wasting time constructing an ineffective environment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brad,

    Thanks for sharing these ideas. Your use the Focus Board shows another value of the tool -- providing an objective mirror for a designer. I appreciate your thoughtful narrative and analysis.
